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Odnosi u školi - prilozi za pedagogiju odnosa


Dodano 2016-06-08
ISBN-13: 9789538115042

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Odnosi u školi - prilozi za pedagogiju odnosa

Vesna Bilić, Slavica Bašić

Jedan od glavnih trendova u teoriji odgoja i obrazovanju na početku 21. stoljeća je pomak od pedagogije ponašanja prema pedagogiji odnosa. A pedagogija odnosa ili relacijska pedagogija, kao smjer u odgojno-obrazovnoj teoriji, predstavlja veliki izazov znanstvenicima i praktičarima

U vremenu globalizacije i rastuće konkurencije unutar škole i između škola, razvidna je orijentacija na „proizvodnju znanja“, odnosno naglasak se stavlja na postizanje visokih rezultata, a zanemaruju se odgojni i relacijski aspekti. A u praksi su sve izraženiji problemi u odnosima među sudionicima odgojno-obrazovnog procesa, a s druge strane se ističe potreba za povezivanjem i suradnjom.

Budući da ljudska bića postoje u odnosima i proizvod su odnosa, ali se i realiziraju preko odnosa, primarni je cilj obrazovanja povećati potencijale za sudjelovanje u relacijskim procesima, odnosno unaprijediti odnose u školi.

U ovoj monografiji se analiziraju neki aspekti pedagogije odnosa ili relacijske pedagogije. Autori dolaze iz različitih disciplina (pedagozi, psiholozi, didaktičari) s različitim iskustvima rada u obrazovanju, ali ih ujedinjuje interesu da objasne međuljudske odnose u školi i doprinosu središnjoj postavci da pažljivo i razumno razvijanje odnosa u školi doprinosi kvaliteti odgoja i obrazovanja. Iako ističu pozitivne i produktivne odnose, ne zanemaruju i one negativne aspekte, ali nude i prijedloge za njihovo nadilaženje.

U uvodu se razmatraju doprinosi i poticaje iz filozofije, psihologije i drugih znanosti, te analiziraju utjecajne pedagogijske misli koje promoviraju razmišljanja o relacijskim prioritetima.

Kako bi se proširile teorijske spoznaje važne za pedagogiju odnosa ponajprije se analiziraju implicitne pedagogijske teorije te teorija privrženosti i recentne spoznaje o interpersonalnoj neurobiologiji (Ante KolakImplicitne pedagogije odgojno-obrazovnih djelatnika i odnosi u školi; Mira Klarin: Privrženost i razvoj mozga: implikacije na ponašanje djece i adolescenata).

Potom se razmatraju odnosi među učenicima, odnosi između nastavnika i učenika (Marija Lebedina Manzoni: Važnost vršnjačkog utjecaja i privrženosti među djecom i mladima u kontekstu razvoja pozitivnih odnosa; Slavica Šimić Šašić: Odnos nastavnik – učenik: sličnosti i razlike s obzirom na dob učenika te efekti na učenje).

U literaturi je značajna pozornost posvećena odnosima među učenicima i odnosima učenika i nastavnika, dok su odnosi među nastavnicima i prema nastavnicima prilično zanemareni iako oni definiraju sve druge odnose unutar školi (Vesna Bilić: Odnosi među nastavnicima; Vesna Bilić: Nasilje učenika i njihovih roditelja nad nastavnicima; Marko Jurčić: Partnerski međuodnosi pedagoga i ravnatelja škole).

Pedagogija odnosa se rađa kroz nastavu i učenje, a u tom smislu je važan rad Milana Matijevića Didaktički pogled na odnose u nastavi.

Završna poglavlja usmjerena su na razvoj socijalnih odnosa u školi i školu kao zajednicu brižnosti (Vesna Buljubašić-Kuzmanović: Socijalno-emocionalni razvoj učenika i pedagogija odnosa, Marija Buterin Mičić: Škola kao brižna zajednica – istraživanje perspektive učenika državnih i waldorfskih škola).

Cilj ova knjiga je da osvijesti važnost stvaranja brižnih odnosa između mladih ljudi i pozitivnih uzora u obrazovnom okruženju te da skrene pozornost na nove obrazovne pristupe utemeljene na odnosima i promovira shvaćanje da se škole temelje na brizi, njezi i povezanosti.

Ključne riječi: interpersonalni odnosi, odgoj, učenici, nastavnici, škole kao zajednice,


Relationships within the school - pedagogy of relationships
book summary

One of the main trends in the theory of education at the beginning of the 21st century is the shift from behavioural pedagogy to the pedagogy of relationships. And the pedagogy of relationships, or relational pedagogy, as a strand of educational theory, represents a huge challenge for researchers and practitioners.

At this time of globalisation and growing competitiveness within and among schools, the focus seems to be on the “production of knowledge”, which means that emphasis is placed on achieving high results, while neglecting care and relational aspects. Meanwhile, problems in the relationships among the participants of the educational process are becoming increasingly prominent, indicating there is a marked need for bonding and cooperation.

Since human beings exist in relationships and are the product of relationships, and also realise themselves through relationships, the primary goal of education is to boost the potential to participate in relational processes, in other words, to improve relationships within the school.

This monograph analyses some aspects of the pedagogy of relationships. The authors come from different disciplines (pedagogy, psychology, didactics) with varied experience of working in education, but they are connected by their interest to explain interpersonal relationships within the school and to contribute to the central postulate that careful and reasonable development of relationships within the school contributes to the quality of education. Even though they stress positive and productive relationships, they do not neglect some negative aspects, also providing suggestions on how to overcome them.

The introduction considers contributions and encouragements from philosophy, psychology and other sciences, and analyses some influential pedagogical thoughts that promote the consideration of relational priorities.

In the first instance, implicit pedagogical theories and the theory of attachment, as well as recent understandings concerning interpersonal neurobiology (Ante Kolak:Implicit pedagogies of educational workers and relationships within the school; Mira Klarin: Attachment and brain development: The implication for children’s and adolescents’ behaviour) are analysed in order to broaden the theoretical understandings significant for the pedagogy of relationships.

Further analysis examines relationships among students, and teacher-student relationships (Marija Lebedina Manzoni: The influence of peers and the importance of attachment among children and youngsters in the context of developing positive relationships; Slavica Šimić Šašić:Teacher-student relationships: similarities and differences with reference to the pupil's age and studying effects).

Literature pays significant attention to relationships among students and to student-teacher relationships, while the relationships among teachers and towards teachers are often neglected, even though they define all other relationships within the school (Vesna Bilić: Relationships among teachers; Vesna Bilić: Violence of students and their parents towards teachers; Marko Jurčić:Partnership between the pedagogue and school principal).

Relational pedagogy is born through teaching and learning, and in this regard Milan Matijević’s paper is significant (A didactical view on classroom relationships).

The final chapters focus on the development of social relationships within the school, and on the school as a community of care (Vesna Buljubašić-Kuzmanović:Students' social-emotional development and the pedagogy of relationships; Marija Buterin Mičić:The school as a caring community: researching the perspectives of pupils of state schools and Waldorf schools).

The aim of this book is to raise awareness of the importance of creating caring relationships among young people and positive models in the educational environment, as well as to draw attention to new educational approaches based on relationships, and to promote the understanding that schools are based on care, attentiveness and bonding.

Keywords: interpersonal relationships, education, students, teachers, schools as communities

O autoru: Vesna Bilić


O autoru: Slavica Bašić


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